Faust by Goethe. From the German by John Anster. Illustrated by Harry Clarke.

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
New York: Dingwall-Rock n.d. [1925]. Sm. 4to. Quarter vellum with grey paper boards (corners rubbed). Spine lettered in gilt. T.e.g. others uncut. (254pp.). With colour frontispiece 12 plates (colour and b/w) text illusts. and colour illustrated endpapers. Edition limited to 1000 copies for England and 1000 for the United States of which this is No. 347 of the American issue. Fully signed by the illustrator "Harry Clarke". Housed in a custom-made cloth-covered slip-case.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 232692
Published: n.d. [1925]
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified