The Primitive Origination of Mankind Considered and Examined According to the Light of Nature.

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
London: William Godbid for William Shrowsbery 1677. (10) 1-380pp. Modern full folio calf raised bands bookplate of the Hon. Charles Townsend. Portrait of Hale by Frederik Van der Hove. First edition. Hales's (1609-1679) a fascinating attempt to merge philosophy science natural history and religious teaching. Particularly interesting are his observations on the origins of life in the Americas whose people he felt came across from Asia. The work in manuscript was in several parts. "1. Concerning the Secondary Origination of Mankind fol. 2. Concerning Religion 5 vols. in fol. viz.: (a) De Deo Vox Metaphysica pars 1 et 2; (b) Pars 3. Vox Naturae Providentae Ethicae Conscientae; (c) Liber Sextus Septimus Octavus; (d) Pars 9. Concerning the Holy Scriptures their Evidence and Authority; (e) Concerning the Truth of the Holy Scripture and the Evidences thereof." Nos. 1 and 2 constitute a formal treatise in defense of Christianity to the writing of which Hale devoted his vacant Sunday evening hours after the 'Contemplations' were finished. The composition of the work was spread over seven years but appears to have been completed while he was still chief baron. The manuscript was submitted to Bishop Wilkins who showed it to Tillotson. Both advised condensation for which Hale never found leisure. The first part was published after his death as 'The Primitive Origination of Mankind considered and examined according to the Light of Nature'. In this very curious treatise Hale in the first place attempts to show that the world must have had a beginning; next with lawyer-like caution that if by possibility this were not so the human race at any rate cannot have existed from eternity; then passes in review certain 'opinions of the more learned part of mankind philosophers and other writers touching man's origination and finally defends the Mosaic account of the matter as most consonant with reason. The book was translated for Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg the great elector by Dr. Schmettau in 1683. The other parts have never been published. "DNB Wing H 258 (27955).
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 249554
Published: 1677
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified