The Royal Kalendar and Court and City Register for England Scotland Ireland and the Colonies for the Year 1828. (408pp.); WITH: An Appendix to the Royal Kalendar...(56pp.); WITH: Companion to the Calendars for the year 1828 being a list of All the..

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Changes in Administration ...(156pp.); WITH: Stockdale's Peerage of the United Kingdom for the Year 1828; With the Arms of the Peers and a List of thier Second Titles. (iv 72 176pp.). WITH: Stockdale's Baronetage of the United Kingdom ...(142pp.). ...London 1828. Thick sm. 8vo. Orig. full. ornate crushed oasis. All edges gilt. With num. engrv. armorial illusts. of Crests and Coats-of-arms.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 235836
Published: 1828
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified