Ure's Dictionary of Arts Manufactures and Mines. Containing a Clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice.

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
Edited by Robert Hunt F.R.S. F.S.S. Keeper of Mining Records ... Assisted by Numerous Contributors Eminent in Science and Familiar with Manufactures. Illustrated with nearly Two Thousand Engravings on Wood. ... 3 vols. London: Longman Green Longman Roberts & Green 1863. Roy. 8vo. Uniformly rebound in qtr. grey morocco with grey cloth boards. Spines with contrasting gilt-lettered title-labels and raised bands. Marbled edges. With num. text-figs. Some light foxing to prelims otherwise a very good set. NOTE: Andrew Ure (1778-1857) was a chemist and scientific writer who championed the factory system and the use of child labour.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 226766
Published: 1863
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified