Rare Forestry Books
Displaying books 1 - 20 of 105 in total
Eucalyptus - Essence of Australia. The story of the Eucalyptus oil industry and the 'eucy' men and their contribution to the Australian bush tradition.
Published: 1985
Stock No. 249776
$175.00 Online price

The Official Opening of Mount Gambier State Mill by The Hon. Sir Thomas Playford ... Premier of South Australia on Tuesday 19th May 1959.
Published: 1959
Stock No. 252178
$55.00 Online price

$65.00 Online price

Wattles and wattle-barks being hints on the conservation and cultivation of wattles together with particulars of their value.
Published: 1906
Stock No. 250172
$65.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

The Wishing Tree: A Guide to memorial trees statues fountains etc. in the Royal Botanic Gardens Domain and Centennial Park Sydney.
Published: 1992
Stock No. 246264
$55.00 Online price

A Key to the Eucalypts. With description of 522 species and 150 varieties. With an appendix - Leaflet No. 92 - "Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Eucalypts" by R.D. Johnston and R. Marryatt.
Published: 1970
Stock No. 244928
$80.00 Online price

The Wishing Tree: A Guide to memorial trees statues fountains etc. in the Royal Botanic Gardens Domain and Centennial Park Sydney.
Published: 1992
Stock No. 243480
$65.00 Online price

Forestry Handbook. Part II: Some of the Principal Commercial Trees of New South Wales.
Published: 1917
Stock No. 229220
$65.00 Online price

Eucalyptus: Essence of Australia. The story of the Eucalyptus oil industry - and the 'eucy' men and their contribution to the Australian bush tradition.
Published: 1985
Stock No. 227393
$225.00 Online price