Holden R: Rare Books
Koalas Kangaroos and Kookaburras. 200 Australian Children's Books and Illustrations 1857-1988.
Published: ab.1988
Stock No. 192026
$20.00 Online price

A Golden Age. 2 vols. (1. Visions of Fantasy: Australia's Fantasy Illustrators; Their lives and works. 2. Through the Magic Door: A collection of Australia's Classic Fantasy Writing.).
Published: 1992
Stock No. 206423
$65.00 Online price

A Golden Age. 2 vols. Complete. (1. Visions of Fantasy: Australia's Fantasy Illustrators; Their Lives and Works. 2. Through the Magic Door: A Collection of Australia's Classic Fantasy Writing.).
Published: 1992
Stock No. 213014
$75.00 Online price