Shackleton E H: Rare Books
21 Meilen vom Sudpol. Die Geschichte der britischen Sudpol-Expedition 1907/09 von E.H. Shackleton. Miteiner Beschreibung der Reise zum magnetischen Sudpol von Prof. T.W. Edgeworth David. Uberfest and bearbeitet von Frederict Beder. Vol. I only.
Published: 1910
Stock No. 235695
$500.00 Online price

The Heart of the Antarctic. Being the Story of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-1909. With introd. by H.R. Mill; (and) An Account of the first journey to the South Magnetic Pole by Prof. T.W. Edgeworth David. 2 vols.
Published: 1909
Stock No. 225272
$2,000.00 Online price