Wilson C: Rare Books
The Bridge over the Ocean. Thomas Wilson (1787-1863) Art Collector and Mayor of Adelaide.
Published: 1973
Stock No. 245166
$40.00 Online price

American Ornithology; or The Natural History of the Birds of the United States. The illustrative notes and life of Wilson by Sir William Jardine. 3 vols.
Published: 1876
Stock No. 252210
$1,200.00 Online price

The Wake of the Southern Cross. Work and Adventures in the South Seas.
Published: 1932
Stock No. 252829
$100.00 Online price

Leo C. Wilson on Dogs. Ed. by K. Husberg and D. McCarthy. With a Biographical Chapter by Eileen A. Wilson.
Published: 1969
Stock No. 155174
$15.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

$200.00 Online price

$50.00 Online price