Rare Bindings Books
Displaying books 81 - 87 of 87 in total
$65.00 Online price
The Craft of the Book: Exhibition and Catalogue 1-12-78 to 11-2-79.
Published: 1978
Stock No. 148431
$10.00 Online price
Precedee de "Mater et Magistra" Encycliques de Jean XXIII accompagnees d'un message de Rene Cassin Prix Nobel de la Paix et du discours prononce par le Pape Paul VI a l'occasion du dixieme anniversaire de l'Encyclique "Pacem in Terris". Lithographies.
Published: 1973
Stock No. 135261
$500.00 Online price
$20.00 Online price
Caledonia Illustrated in a Series of Views taken expressly for the work ... 2 vols.
Published: 1840
Stock No. 6096
$1,500.00 Online price