Gill W W: Rare Books
Life in the Southern Isles: or Scenes and Incidents in the South Pacific and New Guinea.
Stock No. 238401
$200.00 Online price

$165.00 Online price

$135.00 Online price

Work and Adventure in New Guinea 1877 to 1885. Special Presentation Volume.
Published: c. 1885
Stock No. 225089
$135.00 Online price

The South Pacific and New Guinea. Past and Present; with notes on the Hervey Group an illustrative song and various myths.
Published: 1892
Stock No. 225277
$200.00 Online price

Gems of the Coral Islands; or Incidents of Contrast between Savage and Christian Life of the South Sea Islanders. 2 vols. in one. (Vol. I: Western Polynesia-comprising the New Hebrides Group the Loyalty Group and the New Caledonia Group;
Published: 1856
Stock No. 236537
$250.00 Online price