Horace: Rare Books
The Works of Horace translated into English Prose as near the original as the different idioms of the Latin and English languages will allow; with the Latin text and Order of construction in the opposite page; and Critical Historical
Published: 1811
Stock No. 218123
$625.00 Online price

Horace on Poetry. Epistles Book II: The Letters to Augustus and Florus. By C.O. Brink.
Published: 1982
Stock No. 222429
$100.00 Online price

Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Ludovicus Desprez ...jussu Christianissimi regis in usum serenissimi Delphini ac serenissimorum principum Burgundiae Andium et Biturigum.
Published: 1691
Stock No. 249318
$600.00 Online price

The Horoscope. A Biographical Poem in Three Books with an Epilogue.
Published: 1934
Stock No. 189870
$25.00 Online price

Anecdotes of Painting in England; with some Account of the Principal Artists. With additions by the Rev. James Dallaway and Vertue's Catalogue of Engravers who have been born or resided in England. A new edition revised with additional notes
Published: 1876
Stock No. 207566
$125.00 Online price

Essays designed to elucidate the science of Political Economy while serving to explain and defend the policy of Protection to Home Industry as a system of national Cooperation for the elevation of labor.
Published: 1869
Stock No. 216333
$200.00 Online price

$250.00 Online price