Mitchell T: Rare Books
$50.00 Online price
Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia in search of a route from Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Published: 1848
Stock No. 250793
$2,500.00 Online price
Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, with Descriptions of the Recently Explored Regions of Australia Felix, and of the Present Colony of New South Wales. 2 vols.
Published: 1839
Stock No. 250570
$3,750.00 Online price
The Australian Geography with the Shores of the Pacific and those of the Indian Ocean. To which is added an Appendix containing a correct account of the recent gold discovery in that continent.
Published: 1851
Stock No. 253972
$250.00 Online price
A System of Light Drill; or Questions and Answers on the Rudiments of Skirmishing; Changes of Position; Relieving or Reinforcing Skirmishers; ... Covering the Movements of a Battalion Regiment or Brigade; ...
Published: 1843
Stock No. 206560
$175.00 Online price
Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia with Descriptions of the Recently Explored Regions of Australia Felix and of the Present Colony of New South Wales. 2 vols.
Published: 1838
Stock No. 237772
$6,000.00 Online price
Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia; With Descriptions of the Recently Explored Region of Australia Felix and of the Present Colony of New South Wales:...2 Vols.
Published: 1839
Stock No. 250480
$4,000.00 Online price