Murray J: Rare Books
Papua or British New Guinea. With an introd. by Sir William McGregor.
Published: 1912
Stock No. 229373
$350.00 Online price

Papua or British New Guinea. With an introd. by Sir William McGregor.
Published: 1913
Stock No. 237333
$300.00 Online price

Antarctic Days. Sketches of the homely side of Polar life by two of Shackleton's men. Introd. by Sir Ernest Shackleton.
Published: 1913
Stock No. 242764
$950.00 Online price

Papua or British New Guinea. With an introd. by Sir William McGregor.
Published: 1913
Stock No. 156744
$210.00 Online price

$15.00 Online price

$60.00 Online price

Discoveries and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions. With a narrative of the Recent Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin.
Published: 1857
Stock No. 231835
$150.00 Online price

$150.00 Online price