Transportation: Rare Books
$1,650.00 Online price

Second Third Fifth and Sixth Reports of the Commissioners for the Government of the Pentonville Prison.
Stock No. 143849
$1,650.00 Online price

Serving Railway Executives and Railway Manufacturers of Australia and New Zealand. A Monthly Journal. Vol. 1: No. 1 - Vol. 9: No. 3.
Published: 1960
Stock No. 150427
$165.00 Online price

Report from the Select Committee on Transportation; Together with the Minutes of Evidence Appendix and Index.
Stock No. 185454
$5,000.00 Online price

$250.00 Online price

Further Correspondence on the subject of Convict Discipline and Transportation. (In continuation of Papers presented February and July 1849). Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty 31st January 1850.
Published: 1850
Stock No. 222308
$550.00 Online price