Rare Plate Books Books
Displaying books 341 - 360 of 452 in total
Beschryving der Stadt Delft behelzende een zeet naaukeurige en uitvoerige Verhandeling van deszelfs eerste oorsprong benaming bevolking aanwas ... Nevens derzelver Voorregten Handvesten Previlegien en Regeeringsvorm ...
Published: 1729
Stock No. 201252
$4,750.00 Online price
$2,500.00 Online price
Great Flower Books 1700-1900. A Bibliographical Record of two Centuries of finely-illustrated Flower Books. The Bibliography edited by Patrick M. Synge.
Published: 1956
Stock No. 201062
$750.00 Online price
Beschryving Der Stadt Delft Betreffende des selfts Situatie Oorsprong en Ouderdom Opkonst en Voortgangh vermcerdering van Vryheydt en Jurisdictie Domeynen en Heerlijckleden ... Voor-af met een Korte Beschrijvinge von Delflandt ... Delft:
Published: 1667
Stock No. 200727
$4,000.00 Online price
$250.00 Online price
A Book of Children's Verse. Illustrated in colour by M. Etheldreda Gray.
Published: 1911
Stock No. 200622
$450.00 Online price
$750.00 Online price
$1,500.00 Online price
The Plants Indigenous to the Colony of Victoria. Vol. I: Thalamiflorae ...
Published: 1860-1862
Stock No. 198552
$750.00 Online price
The Entomologist's Text Book: An Introduction to the Natural History Structure Physiology and Classification of Insects including the Crustacea and Arachnida.
Published: 1838
Stock No. 196983
$100.00 Online price
Stanfield's Coast Scenery. A series of Picturesque Views in the British Channel and on the Coast of France from original drawings taken expressly for the work. 2nd ed.
Published: 1847
Stock No. 196526
$75.00 Online price
The Flowering Plants and Ferns of New South Wales with especial reference to their economic value. Pts. 1-7 (complete and all published).
Published: 1895-1898
Stock No. 195416
$1,250.00 Online price
The Flowering Plants and Ferns of New South Wales with special reference to their economic value. Parts 1-7 (complete and all published).
Published: 1898
Stock No. 195271
$1,250.00 Online price
$1,100.00 Online price
Historical Record of the Thirty-First or the Huntingdonshire Regiment of Foot; containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1702 and of its subsequent services to 1850;
Published: 1850
Stock No. 194463
$225.00 Online price
Historical Record of the Twelfth or the East Suffolk Regiment of Foot. ...
Published: 1848
Stock No. 194462
$200.00 Online price
What Mammal is That? With the magnificent illusts. of N.W. Cayley and additional illusts. by P. Schouten.
Published: 1987
Stock No. 192596
$40.00 Online price